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  /  Mohammed Islam

Mohammed Islam

Mohamed Islam is the presenter of The Mo Show Podcast, a series of English-language video podcasts aspiring to provide an insight into what day-to-day life in Saudi Arabia is like.

The Mo Show Podcast is Saudi Arabia’s first English podcast to host leading Saudi male and female personalities across industries, entrepreneurs, journalists and expats who live in or have visited Saudi Arabia to talk about their personal journeys, inspirations, and the Kingdom itself.

Conversations range from topics such as health and nutrition to fashion and e-commerce. The podcast also focuses on developments in the country, including women’s empowerment and their rapidly growing role in the Kingdom.

Started by Islam during the pandemic lockdown, the idea for the podcast was conceived following his observation of American podcasters and was inspired by his desire to correct common misconceptions about his country.

Initially, the target audience was the English-speaking world but later extended to anyone who lives in or has visited Saudi Arabia.

Some of the most prominent guests on the show include actress and influencer Paris Verra, media personality Khaled Al-Maeena, and the youngest Arab and first Saudi woman to climb Mount Everest, Raha Moharrak.


All Sessions By Mohammed Islam

Closing Remarks
November, 20, 2024 16:45 - 17:00
KAFD Conference Center
Closing Reflections & Final Remarks
November, 21, 2024 18:15 - 18:30
KAFD Conference Center